If you are a divorced parent in Texas, you may have experienced some challenges when it comes to sharing custody of your children during holidays and events. You may have felt frustrated or angry when your ex-spouse tried to prevent you from having access to your...
Child Custody Modification
A custody order can’t be changed just because you don’t like it
Children need stability when their parents separate or divorce. Frequent changes to existing child custody arrangements can sometimes cause more harm than good. So, a child custody and visitation order (referred to as conservatorship and possession and access in...
Child support orders are enforced even when seeking modifications
In Texas family law cases, the courts will try to make sure children from a relationship are taken care of and their best interests are served. Part of that is making certain the custodial parent receives a sufficient amount in child support from the noncustodial...
Am I a victim of parental alienation syndrome?
Your child custody order is a valuable document. It provides you with legal rights to make decisions and spend meaningful time with your child. Once your custody order is in place, you likely hope that you and your co-parent can maintain a peaceful relationship and...
How do I change my child custody order?
If you reside in Texas and have an existing child custody order that is no longer working for you and your child, there are ways to have it modified. The first thing that you will need to do is to file for a modification with the court. If you have filed for a child...
Changing your child support order in Texas
Child support serves a valuable purpose. It allows the primary caregiver of a child to receive financial support necessary to provide for the child. Texas child support law balances several factors when determining an amount of child support. Ideally, the amount...
Custody modification when co-parenting sours
When you settle your child custody or visitation dispute, you hope that the matter is put to rest for good. You might feel confident that you and the other parent are off to a good start in raising your child together, but those successes can quickly be dashed when...